Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pigeon Hole and Homework Submission

Dear Boys of 323, 334 and 335,

From next week onwards, all Maths homework can also be submitted to my pigeon hole. It is in the annex outside the staffroom.

Please submit accordingly to the classes labelled.

Your cooperation is required.

Mr Fong

Monday, January 26, 2009

3B E Maths Textbook Needed

Dear Boys,

U r to bring along your 3B Textbook for the next chapter on COORDINATE GEOMETRY.

Please help me relay the messages to your classmates lest they did not check their mailbox.

Regards,Mr Fong

Collection of Maths Files

Dear Boys of 323, 334 and 335

On 29th Jan, I would like to collect your Maths files.

This is to check on your progress of work and of course, in a way, the progress of my marking and my timely feedback to you.

My Excel files have also corrupted so the "attendance" of your assignments needs to be updated immediately.

Many blessings.

Topics Tested for Common Test 1

Dear Boys of 323, 334 and 335,

Here are the topics tested for the coming Common Test 1.
Refer to school diary for the dates.

EMaths 45 mins, 7 compulsory questions, 40 marks
Quadratic Equations
Linear Inequalities
Coordinate Geometry
Statistics (Measure of Central Tendency & Standard Deviation)

AMaths 45 mins, 6 compulsory questions, 40 marks
Simultaneous equations in two unknowns (Chapter 1 exclude 1.3)
Remainder and Factor theorem (Chapter 4 exclude 4.7)
Coordinate Geometry (Chapter 7)